Search Stardoll Secrets Revealed

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


- For those of you still with us, or those who just stumble upon the blog.

Wow! It's 2012 & us SSR Bloggers have grown up quick. It seems not too long ago that we were SUPER excited to start our own blog. All too quickly, the excitement faded and Stardoll seemed to lose our interest. Life became busy and we realized that we were growing up. 

We don't want to say goodbye to the blog - but posts will be seldom, and we know that. Most likely when we do post it will be updates about how our lives are going for those of you who have followed us from the beginning. 

We want to thank all of you fans, if you're out there & we want to thank Stardoll for making it all possible. We'll keep in check on the blog and when we remember, check out our accounts. Shoot us a message if you like. We wish you all a happy life. This is not a goodbye, but a see you soon. <3

-- All of us at SSR.
P.S. - If we do start a new blog, it won't be about Stardoll, but we'll still posts links here so you can check it out. (:

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