Search Stardoll Secrets Revealed

Monday, October 25, 2010


First of all I just want to tell you all sorry...Summer got crazy busy then school started and I haven't had much computer time. I haven't been on Stardoll lately so I'm very behind. I will try to catch up ASAP and start updating you guys again. The blog will probably be slow, because of school. I will try to post at least 1-3 times a week.

Stardoll News
You should all go check out the shop there is plenty of new stores and items.
Be sure to collect to Endangered Species animal each month. (It is almost over!)
Check the Contests frequently they update almost everyday.
Check out the cinema to watch movies and get free items.
There is plenty of new hairstyles for SuperStars, but none for us Non-S.S. :(
Blog News
The story too much S.S. has been canceled.
More Stardoll Re-makes coming.
New tips and stories will be coming soon.
Lots of new things are coming so, stay tuned.
I would like to say Thank you to all of our supporting fans on Stardoll.
Peace and Cupcakes,

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