Search Stardoll Secrets Revealed

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fashion Fever Issue 4/ Drag N' Drop

Here is the Screen Shots for Issue 4 of Fashion Fever. Hurry and reply cause once I change my album I won't be accepting anymore submissions. The Issue will be changed on the 25th of May.

Finally!! We can now drag and drop!! We no longer have to go between storage and suites! (:

Peace nd Cupcakes -Rockin_421 ((PS: This thing makes it look like we put a million enters when we only put 1 sorry :P ))


Well.. Starcoins are starting to work out. I find a lot better deals in the Starbazaar than in the actual stores. You also get more money a day. I just find it wrong that it's the Superstars yet recieve ANOTHER reward. Starcoins are good just not the best. I still want YOUR opinion so comment and lay it on us(: haha.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Free Sharpay Lip Gloss!

Although most of you already have the Stardoll Sharpay (light pink) lip gloss I am still posting the link for it:

You MUST be from the US to recieve this.

Please note: SSR does NOT use proxy websites ((virus reasons))

Thanks! Hope this helped you(:

Peace ndd Cupcakes,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Writer!! Well, uh, Sorta?

Hey there SSR Fans! StylinGurl626's account has been de-activated so she can no longer access her account. She has made a new account by the name of: ((Sorry new name will be posted soon I'm unsure of what it is)) She will now be posting with that name so don't confuse her as a new writer. I will be posting make overs and Fashion Fever Issue 4 screen shots up soon. Have a WONDERFUL day! (:

((P.s> Banners are back :D))

Peace nnd Cupcakes,


Monday, May 2, 2011

We're Back

Sorry we have been incredibly busy and haven't had time to post. We are back and working hard. Once again make overs are coming soon. Issue 4 of Fashion Fever has been released please check it out (don't forget to look at the cover)
Heres the link:
P.S. We won't have banners for a while, but they will be up soon. Sorry.

Thank you all!